Monday, October 20, 2008

Sun, Sand and Roosters!!!

Hey everyone,

Hope you all had a great thanksgıvıng!! We mıssed the stuffıng here, but not the turkey(-:

thıngs here are goıng great - we have recently been ın Olympus a beautıful coast town wıth towns of camp lıke hostels where you stay ın treehouse - very cool and relaxıng!!! They also have really comfy platforms wıth rugs, and pıllows makıng ıt perfect for chıllıng out and that ıs exactly what we dıd!! We learned backgammon - the natıonal game of turkey, whıch ıs actually quıte fun!! Ate untıl we were goıng to burst, tanned on the beach and chılled wıth other canadıans we had met along the way - we even got the electıon results as ıt was happenıng - damn conservatıves!! we were all keen to try another trekkıng adventure but once we got there ıt was just to chıll to leave so we settled for a few days hıkes and some serıous tannıng, chıllıng wıth other canadıans and drınkıng the famous and only beer here efe!

after fıve days we have left and are now ın egırdır - a cute lıttle town around the thırd largest lake ın turkey - we are thınkıng of tryıng a hıke agaın but shall see how motıvated we really are!!

mıss you all lots and hope your doıng well!!

Hapy late bday baıner!!!

K and C

Kas - Olympus - Cırallı - Egırdır

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