Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Boy and Uncle Bill!!
Happy early anniversary Adam and Jylian!!!

Miss you all lots.....and are sweating tons...its about 35 degrees here:-)


Jessica said...

Lucky Ducks :) Glad you're having a great time (sweat and all) x

Judy Halpern said...

hey guys, glad to hear you made it well rested! since you're sweating so much check out and see if you can find a "blackie" ice cream stick from a street ice cream vendor...they were my favourite...i can hear it now...blackieeeee, blackieeeee...mmmm

Dee and Tee said...

Glad to hear that you are safe and sound. I'll live vicariously through you from my desk job in a building with no heat! Haha.

grandma said...

hi this is grandma t glad u made it ok